Combining creativity and analytical thinking

I’ve worked as a marketing professional for over 25 years, and I can’t imagine another field I’d enjoy as much. I love the nexus of creativity and strategy, exploring new ideas and making data-driven decisions.

I’ve held marketing leadership roles in a wide range of industries: SaaS, manufacturing, retail, professional services, banking, and more. That’s given me a broad base of experience to draw on, but it’s also presented a lot of opportunities to try new things. While the underlying principles are the same, varying tactics to meet the different needs of each organization is where the fun is.

Let’s talk about your marketing and business challenges today. 


My career experience

Marketing leadership and execution across channels and industries

– Constructing multichannel marketing campaigns and KPIs
– Developing sales tools and building relationships 
– Creative briefs, blog posts, emails, case studies, presentations, ads
– Building marketing departments, roles, and processes
– Content planning and development mapped to the buyer’s journey
– Social media management
– Website strategy, copy, and design direction
– Budgeting and strategic planning
– Facilitating key messaging and creative development sessions
– Rebranding and brand development and management
– Product launch marketing and communication
– Trade show and event planning and execution
– Marketing campaign testing and analysis

Let’s talk about your marketing challenges!