customer satisfaction feedback ratings

10 Ways to Improve Customer Retention

The specifics vary widely by industry, but I think we can agree it costs significantly more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. Improving customer retention starts with building customer loyalty…and that comes from increasing customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers buy more, shop more often, and refer their friends. While a healthy acquisition…
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ideas not approved

What to Do When Your Idea Isn’t Approved

It happens in every field, but in marketing where so much of what we do is rooted in creativity, having your ideas rejected has an especially sharp sting. However, there are actions you can take that improve both the outcome and your perspective when your idea isn’t approved. Let’s look at what’s happening here. Why…
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Drive website traffic so it's not lonely

Your Website is a Lonely Place Without an Inbound Marketing Strategy

Redesigning your website without integrating an inbound marketing strategy is kind of like hosting a party and just having your mom show up. Your house is clean but no one knows where you live. Or maybe all your friends ended up somewhere else because when they asked the question “Where’s the party?” they got pointed to…
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4 Ways to Build Stronger Working Relationships

Whether you work in an office, retail store, health care facility, restaurant or (especially today) from your kitchen table, building strong working relationships takes time and effort. However, there’s nothing more effective in creating a positive, productive workplace for yourself and your coworkers. I think as we’ve all been separated, it’s easier to appreciate the…
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