Caution Sign - Cost Cutting Ahead

Measurable Marketing Makes Budget-Cutting Decisions Easier

Multiple research studies have shown that cutting marketing spending during an economic downturn is a mistake. Staying in front of prospects while competitors pull back gives you an opportunity to capture market share. Plus, you’ll be in a much stronger position for growth when the economy begins to pick back up.  The reality is, some…
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Can Good Marketing Sell Bad Products?

Of course it can…for a while. Unfortunately, we’ve been seeing a lot of deceptive advertising lately. Companies and individuals are tapping into consumers’ fears and desperation to generate quick sales. We’ve all seen promises of COVID-19 cures. Get-rich-quick schemes. Overpriced training courses and questionable “work from home” opportunities. A “fear appeal” in advertising is a…
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3 Ways to Get More Specific with Your Marketing

Features tell and benefits sell. It’s an adage anyone working in sales or marketing can recite in their sleep. But what if you’re talking to the wrong person? Or describing benefits he or she doesn’t care about? You can’t be everything to everyone. Instead, focus on defining your audience and figuring out what’s important to…
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Copywriting and Content Writing…Why You Need Both

There’s nothing quite like the current crisis to highlight the value a strong writer brings to your team. But when we move beyond these immediate communication needs, having the right skillset on hand becomes even more important. Both copywriting and content writing will be key to rebuilding or growing your business. “Copy” and “content” are…
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