Category: Messaging

photo of man frustrated when b2b marketing isn't working

5 Questions to Ask When Your B2B Marketing isn’t Working

When you’re spending money on marketing and have very limited results to show for it, it’s time to take a closer look at your strategy. That means digging in and asking these five foundational questions to determine where things are going wrong so you can move on to fixing them.

New Marketing Strategies Must Start with Old Questions

The tools and techniques available to marketers today are a far cry from what I encountered when I began my career over 25 years ago. To me, that’s part of what makes the field so exciting. However, in the rush to push out new initiatives, I sometimes see a simple truth being lost: Success still…
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customer satisfaction feedback ratings

10 Ways to Improve Customer Retention

The specifics vary widely by industry, but I think we can agree it costs significantly more to acquire a new customer than it does to keep an existing one. Improving customer retention starts with building customer loyalty…and that comes from increasing customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers buy more, shop more often, and refer their friends. While a healthy acquisition…
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Can Good Marketing Sell Bad Products?

Of course it can…for a while. Unfortunately, we’ve been seeing a lot of deceptive advertising lately. Companies and individuals are tapping into consumers’ fears and desperation to generate quick sales. We’ve all seen promises of COVID-19 cures. Get-rich-quick schemes. Overpriced training courses and questionable “work from home” opportunities. A “fear appeal” in advertising is a…
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