Category: Strategy

5 Ways to Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Business

While social media marketing may get more buzz and often a bit more budget, email marketing remains a significant focus for businesses in 2021. Email allows you to reach your customers and prospects in a more personalized way at a very efficient cost. How efficient? Research has shown email marketing to have an ROI of…
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photo of man frustrated when b2b marketing isn't working

5 Questions to Ask When Your B2B Marketing isn’t Working

When you’re spending money on marketing and have very limited results to show for it, it’s time to take a closer look at your strategy. That means digging in and asking these five foundational questions to determine where things are going wrong so you can move on to fixing them.

How Changing Customer Expectations Affect Your Business

Customers have many choices for where and how they do their business today, and distractions are everywhere. Businesses who don’t adjust their marketing and processes may find themselves struggling for survival. Understanding how changing customer expectations affect your business is key to your future success.  Here’s what customers want from you right now: Timeliness Whatever…
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New Marketing Strategies Must Start with Old Questions

The tools and techniques available to marketers today are a far cry from what I encountered when I began my career over 25 years ago. To me, that’s part of what makes the field so exciting. However, in the rush to push out new initiatives, I sometimes see a simple truth being lost: Success still…
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