Category: Website

About Us

How to Write an About Us Page That Drives Business

Was the “About Us” page one of the last things you thought about when building your business website? While it may not get the same attention as your home page, your About page is likely to be one of the most visited pages on your site. Throwing a few paragraphs together to check this off…
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Make Your Customer the Star of Your Website

Is your website all about you? If so, you’re missing a huge opportunity to grow your business, regardless of how great your products are or how eye-catching and compelling your website design is. It takes the right words to engage your visitors and prompt them to take action.  The best website copy shows prospects how…
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Drive website traffic so it's not lonely

Your Website is a Lonely Place Without an Inbound Marketing Strategy

Redesigning your website without integrating an inbound marketing strategy is kind of like hosting a party and just having your mom show up. Your house is clean but no one knows where you live. Or maybe all your friends ended up somewhere else because when they asked the question “Where’s the party?” they got pointed to…
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